so, i went to the dentist for the last 2 days, and that tooth doctors say that i have a DEEP CAVITY that i have! yes! im going to get my tooth removed! my tooth have a big hole into it too! my tooth starting to hurt while eating junk food, and mostly popcorn, until one day, my piece of tooth fall off from the upper part of my teeth, thus leaving a hole of that tooth i have, they also say that there is no repair of the tooth either, they say they got to do Full Sugery to remove that tooth! is is actually and seriously going t be really! REALLY PAINFUL!!! YIKES! since that deep hole that is all the way into the gum of my tooth, is pretty tight and normal, just like all of my teeth is! so... yeah, this is going to really cause me to cause into a replacement of it! hopefully you guys wish me luck for this, that is going to happen in October 3ed,where thy remove my deep cavity i have...